Cyber Security Services

– Review of as-is status of your Security Environment

– Threat & Vulnerability Assessment

– Penetration Testing

– Virtual CISO [vCISO] Role Play

– ISO 27001 Gap Analysis

– Security Awareness Program

– Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning


Cyber security services refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cybersecurity may also be referred to as information technology security.

Security Audits

Either you are matured in Security implementation or just about in the planning phase or thinking about making a security investment; a cyber security assessment or a gap audit would be the first step to take to ensure that your decisions for spending ensure that your organization is secured, and is in line with standards like ISO27001, 9001….etc

Risk Management

Threats in the wild has known remediation, but until we now that there are vulnerabilities we cant take action. As we know ‘prevention is better than cure”, it cost too much and our reputations are at stake, if the remediation is re active. We can assist you in identifying the threats  and remediate before it is realized and a damage is caused

Security Consulting

Doing an organization wide cyber security assessment is an important action that you should be considering, as this scope would cover all security aspect covering your software, hardware and even your people asset who are targeted on social engineering attacks. Initiate discussion for a security assessments to review how strong you stand

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